Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Four Generations

Let it be known that there are very few Puerto Ricans in Oklahoma.  Mexicans, yes.  Puerto Ricans, no.  However, the year Little Man was born the Puerto Rican population increased by 20.  Yes, 20+ of Steven's family crammed into a van and traveled to Oklahoma over the Thanksgiving holiday to meet the newest Torres.  We are so blessed to have such amazing families.  Who else travels 1,200 miles round trip to meet a baby?  You wish you had a family like this, don't you?  My only suggestion...marry a Puerto Rican!

When I was perusing our family photos last night, I found this picture... 
When Steven's family came that year to meet Little Man, we made sure to get a picture with the man who started it all, Santos Torres.  Santos, Steven's grandpa, is a hard working man who blessed his wife with 10 children.  With 10 kids I guess you had to be hard working. 

Then, when we visited Chicago this past Thanksgiving, we made sure to get another four generation photo.  It's amazing how much everyone has changed in four short years.  Nonetheless, I love having these photos to remind Mason of the good times we've had with our families, and more importantly to have captured a memory of our grandparents.

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