Friday, December 17, 2010

A Beautiful True Story of Giving

During the holiday season it's all too easy to get tunnel vision.  Tunnel vision on the Christmas lists.  Tunnel vision on decorating. Tunnel vision hosting the perfect party.  Tunnel vision on ourselves and are own family.  However, my own tunnel vision was halted a couple of days ago when I heard this story from a very close friend of mine.

Two days ago, my friend was pulling up to a job site and noticed a little girl about 2 years old walking around in a nightgown at an apartment complex.  It was about 10:00am and it was cold.  My friend is a father himself, so he walked right over to the little girl and bent down to talk with her.  He asked over and over, "Where is your Mommy?"  He was just hoping that she would point to the direction of her apartment.  He had no such luck.  As he bent over to pick her up, he immediately noticed her cold skin and soiled diaper. Wrapping her in his coat, he yelled out "Does anyone know this child?" 

Suddenly a little boy about 4 years old, completely naked on a tricycle pedals around the corner and says, "Dat's my sister."  Completely concerned he calls out to the workers he was checking on and they come over to help keep the kids warm and locate the parents.  With no such luck the police were called.  The arriving officer immediately knew where the kids lived.  He had been there on a domestic call the previous week. 

The officer knocked on the door.  With no answer, he forces the door open to find the mother asleep on the bed.  My friend and the other men who had offered to help warm the children were called into the apartment.  As he walked in, he saw Corn Flakes crushed into the carpet.  A Spaghetti-O's can opened and soiled into the carpet as well.  It was a complete mess.  The mother stumbled out from her bedroom and thanked the men.  She didn't notice her kids had escaped.  Since the mother was physically present, and there was food in the house, the kids were left with their mother.  The officer said there was nothing more he could do.

When I first heard this story I was completely disgusted with the mother.  How in the world could you just neglect your children like that?  To be so completely unaware of what's going on? To let your kids fend for themselves at such a young age?  Horrendous. 

Here's where the great part of the story comes in.  My friend was appalled too, but his family decided to be proactive about it.  Obviously this mother needed some guidance.  His wife went to the grocery store and purchased food for the monther and her children.  She purchased items that the kids would be able to serve themselves, and items for the mother to cook.  Judging by her husband's description she also purchased clothes for the children. 

As a family, they plan on delivering the items tonight, and inviting the family to their local church function.  Who knows, maybe she'll attend and maybe she won't.  Maybe she won't even accept the gifts.  But, I know one thing.  She can't deny that this family has a love for her, and desires a better life for her children. 

I tell you this story, because it was an eye opener to Steven and me.  Sometimes, we fail to look at all people as God's creation.  God loves that woman no less than he loves you or me.  I can assure you the choices she currently makes will bring her pain, but this couple has shown her how God loves.  They are giving mercy and grace in hopes of changing her life.  During this holiday season, I hope we all can be given an opportunity to make a difference, and see the needs of people.

Update:  The police officer did file a report with DHS regarding the children.

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