Friday, November 5, 2010

Birthday Season

If you haven't notice so far, it's birthday season around here.  Once October hits, we know it's craziness until January 1st.  Here's the breakdown of birthdays...

October: niece, Little Miss, Chunky Monkey
November: Mom, Little Man, Mom's Husband
December: Steven and his twin

That's 8 birthdays in 3 months!!!

I mention all these birthdays because tomorrow is Little Man's 4th Birthday!  He is such a joy to my life.  He's compassionate, caring, tenderhearted, and crazy.  He is everything my husband is crammed into a little teeny tiny body.  I'm completely serious.  I watch him do things throughout the day that just scream Steven.  It's a good thing I like my husband or I'd be in trouble. 

For now, I'll leave you with this newborn pick of my firstborn baby...
Next week, I'll share the party pics.  It will be his first party where all his friends attend.  Exciting stuff!!!

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