Thursday, October 28, 2010

A New Piece

For those of you who have been to my house, you know my living room is bare.  Of course you would never say anything, because that would be rude. I don't have rude friends, but come on.  You know you've thought it.  Well, Steven got his new toys for the living room.  A movie screen tv mounted above the fireplace complete with his surround sound that drives me nuts. It's entirely too loud all of the time.  I'm thinking of returning it because from what I know there are only two noise and blaring.  I prefer off, but guess who prefers blaring?

I can't complain too much.  He's happy, and I'm happy a little.  I can now pick out my 'toys' for the living room.  Since he has his set up complete, I can now work around it.  Of course the furniture had to be rearranged so The Chair is the direct view of The Screen.  Once that happened I could see what I wanted and where I wanted it.

So this is the start.  My shelf.  I especially love all the little trinkets.  I really fond on one piece in particular.  I'm sure you'll be able to find it immediately, and NO, it is not my coupon binder and/or recipe binder!
It's a lovely piece, isn't it?  Truly, one of a kind. 


  1. LOL! I love it! I wonder what it is about spaces like that, that they all love!?

  2. I love how you decorated the shelf...especially with the bottom piece. Where do I find one of those? LOL!

    We moved some items around on our entertainment center and now Colton crawls into the bottom part and just stays there with his butt sticking out. It's too funny. I should get a picture asap!
