Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mini Vacay!

Branson, MO.  Outlet shopping.  Silver Dollar City.  Big Cedar Lodge.  Need I say more?  We had a blast!  We were only there for 3 days, but we crammed in as much fun as possible.  Not to mention we succeeded in completely tiring out a 2 year old and two 3 year olds.  Yep, the adults outlasted the kids.  That's a huge accomplishment. 

Our first evening in Branson allowed for some shopping.  I'd like to say it was a marathon shopathon, but it only lasted a brief hour and a half.  Not nearly enough time, but 3 hungry kids won out against Jackie and I.  Luckily, there was a little 50's diner across the way to grab some grub and listen to some live singing from the wait staff.  Step outside and suddenly you're in Santa's Village...with a real Santa walking around.  A creepy Santa, but nonetheless Santa.  Many things I got to check off my Bucket List that first night...Eat artery clogging food...check.  Listen to a singing waitress...check.  Dine with the Gray Hairs...check.  Watch my children get creeped out by Santa telling them to be good...check.   All in a days time.  I can die a happy woman now.

Of course sleep happened, but it was very little because we wanted to hit up Silver Dollar City.  Love, love, love SDC. Did I say I love it?  I do.  Whole-heartedly love SDC.  Apparently half of America loves it too.  At least they did when we arrived on Friday.  It was p-p-p-p-packed!  We stayed until they closed the place down, and then drug our kids to the Bass Pro restaraunt at Branson Landing.  Closed that place down too.  Thankfully though we were able to leave a souvenier there.  Jackie's flip-flop had taken a beating walking up and down the Hills of the Ozarks.  It finally gave up to all the abuse and torture and broke for good.  So she left it under the table and walked out.  She's a real woman I tell ya.

Since we felt the kids didn't need sleep, we woke them up early the next morning (after an extremely late bedtime) and drug them back to SDC.  The boys rode rides until the cows came home.  As for Little Miss, she rode some rides, but she just couldn't hang.  Sleep overtook her in the stroller.  Not even the loudest train on Earth could wake her up.  Literally speaking...the loudest train 'toot' I ever heard didn't even get her to wake. 

All in all, we had a great time.  The best time.  Mainly because it's great memories being made with some great friends.  We are so blessed!


  1. Hey we saw you in SDC as we were heading out on the tram and you were trying to get on the next tram. Wasn't it a great week-end with the weather like it was? PERFECT! Where were the straw horses? Branson Landing?

  2. i still wonder who found my flip flop. maybe they were able to fix it but then again...they didn't have the mate even if they could figure that one out:)

  3. Linda, the weather was absolutely perfect. Steven had told me that he saw you. We were high-tailin' it up the hill to meet our friends at the other stop. It was wonderful weather and the trees were beautiful.

    The straw horses were at Big Cedar Lodge. It was absolutely gorgeous out there.

    Jackie, your shoe still makes me laugh!

  4. YOu know we have still not been to SDC! I am glad you had such a good time! Fun memories for the kiddos! =)
