Monday, October 4, 2010

Menu Monday

When I sat down to make my menu, I got super excited.  About 2 months ago my friends and I signed up for a Girls' Getaway out at Dry Gulch USA.  I about peed my pants realizing it's THIS weekend.  Even though the getaway is less than 24 hours, I am stoked.  Beyond stoked.  The most exciting part...I get to ride in a car without children!!!!!!!  It's the little things in life. 

I do have to offer an apology, there are 3 nights this week that we have nothing on our menu, and there are no links to recipes.  The tortilla soup recipe will post tomorrow and I'll add the link then.  Sorry!  Over time, I hope to get these recipes typed out.  Which means I'm gonna have to actually pay attention to how much of what ingredients I throw in.  This could be challenging.

Monday-Tortilla Soup (recipe posts tomorrow) with Tortilla Chips, and Salad
Tuesday-Dinner at my Mama's!
Wednesday-Sandwich Melts, Sweet Potato Chips, Baked Beans
Thursday-Lasagna, Olive Garden Style Salad with Dressing, Italian Cheesy Bread
Friday-Girl's Getaway!!!  Steven and the kids must fend for themselves ;)
Saturday-Dinner with friends!
Sunday-Sticky BBQ Drumsticks, Homemade Potato Salad, Homemade Honey Biscuits

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