Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Labors of Love

Little Miss gave me an uber quick, but super painful labor. Five hours from the onset of labor until the time she was born. It was a complete labor of love. I knew at the end of all the pain I would meet my little girl. It was worth it.

Fast forward two years, I had another labor of love moment. On numerous blog sites I had seen tissue paper decorations. I decided I would make a gigantic number '2' as her main decoration. It sounded like a wonderful idea...at the time. Six hours of work later, I finally finished. It took me longer to make that one decoration then it did to birth the stinkin' child. Yes, a complete lapse of sanity. We all know I'd do it again though. Maybe my elevator doesn't go all the way to the top. I take that back. I know my elevator goes to the top, but it must skip a couple of floors on the way up. That is the only way to explain why I would spend 6 hours on a decorative item. Since there is no way I will throw it away, it's up for grabs. After I shed tears from letting it go.

Now for the cake. I made it. Yes, I will now refer to myself as Betty Crocker. Amanda? Who's Amanda? My name is Betty. Betty Crocker. Truth be told, I invited over Jamie to offer moral support and guidance. She made this same cake for her daughter's 3rd birthday. She helped me get the icing to the right consistency and even threw on the dirty ice for me. Thank you Jamie!!! I really thought this cake would be the death of me, but it looks way harder than it is. It was actually fun putting it all together, and the kids loved eating all the colors.

Turth be told, I really do love making handmade items for my kids.  It adds that extra special touch that I like.  As for Little Miss, she didn't care.  She did love her presents though. She received lots of adorable clothes including a Cinderella costume. She looooooves Cinderella. And you know what? We really loooooove Little Miss!
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  1. save the 2 for when she is 12. All you need to do is make a #1 to go with it. LOL!

    My oldest son's labor was only 5 hours too. It was my easiest labor by far. And the only one without ANY drugs.
    I have had all 3 of mine without epidurals.
    But with my daughter, I had 2 shots of Stadol during my 28 hour labor (she was my first). And then only an 11 hour labor with my baby boy. So I had one shot of Stadol and he was by far the hardest. He weighed 9 lbs 9 oz. Ouch!

    Do these kids even realize what all we do for them??

  2. Alice, that's exactly what my mom said!

    BTW, Steven totally knew who your friend was. After I asked him the name he said, "Yeah, he lived right down the street from us." Small world!!!

  3. Good job there Betty! Are you for hire? Can't believe how big she is getting! And her hair sure is lightening up!
