Thursday, October 7, 2010


A while back I decided that since the half-marathon never happened, I needed to at least do a 15K.  I have been training like a mad woman getting ready for this race on October 30th.  I'm pretty pleased with myself so far.  I'm averaging about 15-17 miles a week with my longest runs at 7 miles.  I've come to learn that after about mile 6 you're legs just keep moving whether you want them to or not.  Occasionally, I take a peek just to see if I even still have legs.  Surprisingly enough they're always down there staring back at me.  Although I wish somehow Heidi Klum's legs would appear, it never happens.

I've also come to learn that at about mile 5, I get bored.  Utterly bored.  B-O-R-E-D.  BORED. BoReD. Bored. Bored.  So bored that I thought about how many ways I could write bored on this blog post.  I came up with many, many different ways, but I didn't want to bore you.  You all probably have a life so these things never cross your mind.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! I am bored long before that. I am so off of my (any kind of exersize) routine. It's bad! You go girl! You'll do great at the Tulsa run!
