Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sneaky, Sneaky, Sneaky

Alas, I have found yet another way of sneaking those veggies in for Little Miss.
Zucchini Cinnamon Pancakes 

Yes I know it sounds completely disgusting, and even though I will tell you they were completely yummy you will still be grossed out.  Totally grossed out.  However, if you are a desperate mama, you too might try the Zucchini Cinnamon Pancakes, and love them as well.  Here's what I did...
  •  To your regular pancake batter add 1/2 cup or more of finely, finely chopped zucchini. 
  • Add 2 tsp of cinnamon
  • Cook pancakes according to package directions, or as you typically do.
Both the kids gave the seal of approval.  Had to be the cinnamon.  I never add cinnamon to pancake batter, unless they are Apple Cinnamon Pancakes (replace zucchini with apple).

Why I Chose Zucchini?
Zucchini have an impressive list of nutrients...fiber, manganese, vitamin C, beta-carotene (vitamin A), potassium, folate, copper, and riboflavin.  Plus it's green.  The only other vegetables she will eat out right that are green happen to be broccoli (steamed with cheese), and green beans.  That's it.  No more.  She's such a stinker, but she's my stinker ;)

Happy Cooking!!!


  1. GREAT IDEA!! But forget doing it for my 2 year old... I will do it for my 33 year old husband! HE HATES VEGGIES!! Thanks for the idea.

  2. I love zucchini muffins, so I bet these are yummy!

  3. LOVE IT!!! Paxton loves pancakes, and he could definitely use more veggies in his diet. Sweet potatoes are about the only veggie he will eat right now. Can't wait to try this recipe!!!
