Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Educational Mumbo Jumbo: Part Duex

Did you do your homework?  You didn't?  Likely story.  That, and you know I'm going to tell you anyway.  I'd do the same thing!

So today we'll talk about going a little deeper.  Some simple things to do while reading to your child.  First off, slow down.  It's really easy to plow through a book, say "The End", and turn out the lights.  However, the next time you sit down to read, take breaks.  For example, we were reading A Mother for Choco last night.  Choco is in desperate search for a mother, but can't find one that looks like him. 

This is the perfect time to STOP and look at pictures.  Give your child some 'think time'.  Time where your child gets to just sit and think without you saying anything.  Yes, this is hard!  We all want to force and cram so much knowledge into our child, but truth is...your child needs time to process and think.  You'll be surprised at what they say.  For example, this is what I got from Little Man after a little 'think time'

After looking at the above pictures, Little Man not only pointed out what the book stated about the differences between the animals, but also pointed out other similarities and differences not stated.  This would have never happened if I hadn't allowed him the time to just look at the pictures, OR if I'd had pointed out what I thought he needed to know.  Think's important!

Stayed tuned for Part III tomorrow!  It will actually entail the meanings of  metacognition, schema, text to text, text to self, text to world.  You'll be smarter for it.  You might even toss these words into your daily conversation.  People will be amazed. 

1 comment:

  1. SO great Amanda:) You know we just started reading Goodnight Moon, yeah I know I am an early childhood teacher so why haven't I done this before? I don't know. But anywho, I never realized how few words impact a book. The simple yet precise pictures of a child's room and thoughts were captured in there. I did pause on each page (the first few times) and watching Kaitlyn's eyes tart around the book---AMAZING!!!
