Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Roasted Garlic for Dipping Bread

Just for the record, my fingers STILL smell like garlic this morning.  Do you know what it feels like to wake up and wonder, "Why does it smell like garlic in here?"  Only to realize you only smell garlic when your hands are near your face.  Then you smell your fingers to realize you never rinsed them with lemon juice to help with the stinch.  So, me and my stinky fingers are typing this post for you.  So your fingers can smell like garlic.  So you too can have some yummy Roasted Garlic with EVOO and seasonings.  You can thank me later.  Not for your stinky fingers, but for the dip. 

Roasted Garlic Dipping Oil
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
4 large cloves of garlic, peeled and minced
2 Tbsp Baslamic Vinegar
1 1/2 Tbsp Italian Seasoning
Salt to taste
  • Take about a Tbsp of the evoo, and heat it in a sauce pan (doesn't take long). 
  • Add minced garlic to pan.  After about a minute, stir constantly to prevent burning.  Allow the garlic to become golden, but not brown.
  • Pour out contents of a pan on a paper towel and allow the garlic to 'dry' out.
  • While garlic is 'drying', pour the remaining evoo onto a small plate.  Add Baslamic Vinegar and gently blend in with a fork.
  • Add garlic and seasonings.
  • Serve with toasted bread.  (I used French Bread toasted in the oven @ 400 degrees for 5 min.
I would have taken a picture, but one taste led to another.  You know how that goes.  Maybe next time.  Maybe.

UPDATE!!!  Here's a pic for you!

Happy Cooking!!!


  1. I love garlic! So I'm pretty sure I would love this!

  2. Do you ever use the little jar of minced garlic? I use it for EVERYTHING and it hasn't ever done me wrong :) Just curious...
