Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Best Money Ever Spent

If you have little ones and live in my area, the Bartlesville Kiddie Park is a MUST!  We recently went with some of our fabulous friends and had a wonderful time.  Then again, we could go look at a dump site with the Kueny's and still have a good time...

Anyway, we were there for a little over 2 hours.  The kids rode almost every ride in the park and got 2 snow cones and we walked out of there spending only $11!!!  Little Man has been asking to go back everyday since.  Little Miss has been asking to wear shoes, but that's an entirely different topic for an entirely different day.

Here's some pics of our fun...

1 comment:

  1. dump site? that does sound like a fun filled evening. we should plan that:)
