Monday, July 19, 2010

I Break Up With You

I've been unfaithful.  Unfaithful to my blog.  It might lead to a break up situation, in which I would use the infamous lines, "It's not you.  It's me.  Things are just, well, different."  And that's the honest to goodness truth.  Things have been different.  For one, I only had my own two kids this week.  No Chunky Monkey. We did a lot of swimming.  And eating.  And swimming. And errands I'd been putting off.  And swimming. 

{Little Miss, who refuses to wear any floatation device, figured out how to use the noodles}

Now for the real reason why I've had a short break from my blog.  Little Miss decided to take one, one hour nap.  This all of a sudden from her two naps that lasted two hours each.  After I get all my chores done that Steven has left for me for the day, she wakes up.  No bloggy time.  That's the honest to goodness truth.  Except for the part about Steven leaving me chores.  He doesn't do that everyday ;)

I've been trying to convince this pistol of mine that she needs more sleep, but she has been adament about the one short nap.  So adament she rolled around on the floor crying when I used the word nap.  Then she fell asleep. I left her there.  I was not about to wake the beast.

And because I can't neglect my handsome Little Man, who still takes a three hour nap at three years old, here's a little snap with him and Little Miss having lunch...


  1. Just praise the Lord your children take naps! Avi Joy stopped in Jan and now I have 2 of 3 kiddos in this home that do not nap.
    My how my life has changed! Now I have to run away and sneak to get some me or blog time. It is a season and I enjoy it, it has caused me to reprioritize.
    I love you and your kiddos. Thank you for the great blog updates and pictures!

  2. How I miss nap time! My little twins stopped before they were two. ugh! But we traded nap time for a 7:30 bedtime. Worked out pretty good. Best of luck on your sanity, I remember that transition period. =)
