Friday, June 4, 2010

Moving On

If you're wondering what's going on with Torres Tidbits this week, I can answer that with one word.  MOVING.  We close today, and will move in tomorrow.  If you live in my area, you know that tomorrow is going to be close to 100 degrees, and I will most likely look like the above picture.  You feel sorry for me, don't you?  You don't?  Heartless.  Completely heartless.  I may not survive this, you know.

Check back next week for some updates on my 'other' babies (i.e. my tomato and pepper plants) along with stories and pictures outlining our moving ventures.  Since you know my family is crazy, you know there will be some good stories to tell.  See you next week...well, provided my internet service is up and running...and if I survive the heat...


  1. Hope you enjoy your move!! It will be worth every sweat drop once you are in your new home!! We went out and got the book "Diary of a Worm" and Brody loved it! Great recommendation!

  2. Good luck with the moving, I hope that maybe there will be a breeze for you!
