Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Could Survive on Bread Alone

With that said, I would never make it on the Akin's diet.  Never.  I love carbs.  When I had gestational diabetes with Little Miss, it was like a knife to my heart.  It limited every little thing I loved about eating.  Bread. Desserts. Bread. Fruit. Bread.  Okay, you get it.  I love bread. A lot.  And because I love bread a lot, I always have a fresh loaf of french bread in my house. Always.  What do I do with all that french bread you ask?  Well, I slice it up and serve it with the majority of my meals.  One of my favorite ways is Honey Butter Bread.  I'm telling you, cooking (if you can even call it that) has never been so easy. 
  • Slice the loaf of french bread into 1/2 inch slices.
  • Spread a thin layer of butter on each slice.
  • Drizzle honey on each piece of buttered bread.
  • Spread honey evenly on buttered bread.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 5-7 minutes.
Told you it was easy!

Happy Cooking!


  1. OOOO, I would have never thought to do that. Definitely going to try it! I couldn't live without bread either.

  2. This sounds so good and easy! I am with you on the bread thing!! I loved your last post about having to tell yourself that this was the day that the Lord has made!! I have had several of those days myself!!!

  3. Thanks so much for the comment! I hope you find some great things for you and your family to try!
