Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What Excites Me Most

My own sink, and his own sink.  I don't have to look at shaving cream splatters, and he doesn't have to find long blonde hairs in his sink. 

A kitchen that overlooks the living room.

A laundry ROOM.  Not a laundry closet like I had before.  An honest to goodness room complete with cabinetry, closet, and folding table.  A room all on its own.  A room where I can close the door and not open it for an entire day, because you don't have to walk through it to get to the garage.  Can you tell this room excites me most?


  1. So exciting! I have to say I think the bathroom would be my big thing. Because right now we only have one and with everyone potty trained it is becoming a problem. LOL =)

  2. Don't you love going in and there being something new everyday?! I did have a terrible dream the other night that the granite they installed was the wrong color and pepto bismal pink and I had to break the news to my husband!! LOL I woke up in a cold sweat!! So funny!!! Your house looks so wonderful! I am so excited for you guys!!

  3. I L-O-V-E your cabinetry, countertops, flooring, etc. So beautiful!!!

    You'll love having a laundry room. That was one of my prerequisites when we built our house. It's the little things, right?! :)
