Wednesday, April 14, 2010

When You're Small

When you're small you can fit in tight spaces.

When you're small you can hide.

When you're small you can find a tight space, and hide from your mom.

When you're small you can find a tight space, and hide from your mom when she's screaming your name.

When you're small you can find a tight space, hide from your mom while she's screaming your name, and give a little giggle.

When you're a mom you give a huge sigh of relief for that litle giggle and go searching.

You finally locate the giggle but think, "No.  There's no way she's under that bed."

And then you get on your hands and knees to find that she did in fact squirm her way under the bed...

And when you're small, you think it's the funnest game in the entire world.