Friday, April 2, 2010

Need a Place?

It's no secret that I love my church! The things I have learned there have changed my life in unbelievable ways.  What you give up to become a Christian is in no way comparable to what you gain.  I think so many people are afraid of what they will lose, they fail to see the other half.  The much better half.  So if life is not going too well for you, or maybe it is and you just need a place for Easter, come to Church on the Move.  Service times are Friday night at 7pm, Saturday night at 5 and 7pm, and Sunday morning at 9 & 11am. 

If you're a little unsure because the church is sooo big, check out the about link to the website.  There you will find a story wall.  It has post after post of what God has done in each person's life and some videos of amazing stories.  If they don't bring tears to your eyes, there is something not right with you!

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