Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Down Right Scary

Beautiful, beautiful Spring day.  Birds were chirping.  I was driving to work with my windows down.  I was early (no kids then).  Life was good.  Opened my classroom door and started on my usual morning tasks.  Unload bag...check.  File graded papers...check.  Write assignments on the board...check.  Respond to emails...check.  Wait, there's a voicemail...listen to voicemail...

"Why on Earth would you send a {bleepedly, bleep, bleep} kid home with a {bleepedly, bleep, bleep} backpack, loaded down with {bleepedly, bleep, bleep} books.  Are you {bleepedly, bleep, bleep} insane?  I should have you pay for her {bleepedly, bleep, bleep} medical bills when she has {bleepedly, bleep, bleep} back problems you stupid {bleepedly, bleep, bleep}.  If you don't have room to store all these {bleepedly, bleep, bleep} books, then that's your problem.  Not my daughter's."

-End of Message

Wow!  What a refreshing way to start your beautiful Spring day.  The day you were early to work (because you didn't have kids).  The day you were feeling great. 

After I composed myself, I contacted my principal, forwarded her the message, and was advised to not ever contact that father.  Never.  Ever. 

Okay, no problemo.  Didn't want to call him back anyway.

So Little Janie (not her real name) walks in, and I proceed to ask her why her father thinks she has to take all her books home?

"I don't know Mrs. Torres.  He just thinks I do for some reason."

"Oh, that's very interesting."

"Yes, Mrs. Torres.  That is very interesting."

The rest of the day went on.  Little Janie not making any eye contact at all.  Hmmmm?  Guilty?  I think so.

I let it go.  She knew she was lying.  I thought I'd just let her sweat it out.  Until....

Dismissal bell rings.  Door opens.  Kids file out the door.  Giving out hugs, reminders to those who have homework, and WHAM!  Right in my face is Mr. Crazy. 

"Why didn't you call me back?'

"Well Mr. Crazy, after seeking advice from my principal, I was advised to not have contact with you given the abusive language you used on my voicemail.  I would have been happy to discuss with you any issues you have, given you would have addressed me with a certain level of respect."

"Why should I respect someone who decides to send a fourth grader home with a backpack heavier than them?"

"Sir, we're going to have to move this into the office with supervision.  Our school police officer is here today, and he would like to offer his assistance if I need it."

"Fine, but I don't know why you feel threatened."

{conversation moves to office with Mr. Police Officer, Mr. Crazy, Little Janie, and myself}

"Mr. Crazy, I'm not sure why you think Little Janie needs to take home all of her school supplies and textbooks, but that information is incorrect."

"Because Little Janie told me and she has never lied to me."

I turn to Little Janie, "Little Janie, is this true?  Did you tell your father that I force you to take home all your school supplies and textbooks home each night?"

"Yes, Mrs. Torres.  I did."

I'm going to end the story here, because I think you get the point.  His child lied to him (gasp)!  You see, Little Janie did a lot of piddling in class.  A LOT.  Consequently, she had loads of homework. She didn't want to be in trouble at home (I can totally see why).  To cover her tracks she made up a story that there was no storage in the classroom.  Everything had to go in their backpacks.  I think a normal (rational) person would think this was a little bizzare, but then again we are dealing with Mr. Crazy. 

So my moral is this...

If your child comes home telling you an unbelievably crazy story about their classroom teacher, chances are it is untrue.  However, you should contact the teacher just in case.  Just don't use profanities ;)

Oh, and I never did get an apology from Mr. Crazy, and I check my mail everyday...


  1. Geesh, Mr. Crazy is crazy! Sad to think that kids grow up with that kind of craziness at home :(

  2. That is a funny story. I just can't believe that it is true! Who would do that? Hello children lie.. what was that father thinking? Well at least you don't have to deal with crazy parents anymore! I love the post below with the cars! Cute idea... sounds like a great summer activity!!
