Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Once Upon a School Teacher

There are two 'holidays' I absolutely despised while being a school teacher...St. Patrick's Day and April Fool's Day. I mean who in their right mind enjoys being pinched and/or straight up lied to? Hmmmm??? Do these so called holidays give you an excuse to be a meany pants to someone else?

Well in my classroom, you got a warning the day before that if you even tried one of the afore mentioned tricks of the devil, then you'd better be ready for some consequences. Now, there's always those boys that love hanging over the edge of that cliff, and they'll test you out. Everytime they would be met with one nasty 'Teacher Look' that sent their challenging eyes straight down to the desk. Followed by a, "Mrs. Torres, I'm so sorry. It won't happen again." Yep, I'm hard core.

You may be thinking, "Wow, she was one mean teacher." Yes, yes I was. But, it gets worse.

A few years back it was getting close to April Fool's Day, and I was starting in on my pre-rehearsed speech, "April Fool's Day is tomorrow...does not give you an excuse to lie to each other...don't even try it...and if you even think about testing me...And one last thing. Today is my last day to be your teacher. Tomorrow, you will have a new teacher who has taught for 50 years. She's a little mean, but if you make good choices you should do okay. I'll miss you dearly and I love each one of you."

Man, those kids went home bummed. I felt a little bad, but not too bad. After all, it was APRIL FOOL'S DAY the next day. They'd figure out it sooner or later!

So let this be a lesson to you readers, don't pinch and don't lie. Unless you are a teacher, then it's okay. Well. Not the pinching part.

Happy St. Patty's Day!


  1. Too funny! I am not a fan of either day either. I almost forgot today was St. Pat's. LOL

  2. I laughed out loud and then read this blog to my husband!!! Ha ha! I am praying for the building of your house, and I have a new respect since now we are building our own!! I feel like it is a hurry up and wait game!!
