Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dirty Thirty

It's true. I've made it to the dark side. I have entered the 30's! All kidding aside, I'm actually excited about the 30's. Why wouldn't I be? I'm exactly at the place I want to be. I attend a phenomenal church, I have a gorgeous piece of a man who knows how to clean, two beautiful, healthy children, great family, fun friends, and soon to move into my dream home.

The 20's were good too! Here's a highlight list of my twenties...
  • graduated college in the top 3% of my class.
  • became a teacher at 22.
  • got married to the afore mentioned man at 23.
  • bought our first home at 23.
  • lived the young married life without kids...which included at least one trip every year...ahhh...those were good days.
  • nominated Teacher of the Year at my school after 4 years, and made it to the Top 10 for my district.
  • had my first son at 26.
  • had my first daughter at 28.
  • became a stay at home mom at 29.
  • sold my first house at 29.

That a pretty good list of accomplishments for the twenties. Looking forward to seeing what God has in store for the 30's!


  1. LOVE the 30's! It is totally the new 20's- Ha ha. A little less sleep and quiet time, but so many more rewards!
    Love that we knew each other through our 20's. So long, excited to do life in our 30's : )
    Have a great week,

  2. Hope you have had a great birthday girl!

  3. Happy Birthday, Amanda! I thought it was 'Flirty Thirty', not DIRTY 30! lol Or how about 'Purty Thurty'...okay, I'm just making stuff up now! Welcome to the next decade! :)
