Monday, December 7, 2009

A Total Mess

Addie is a mess. A complete mess. From her hair to her little toes; she is a mess! Every night we make sure her hair is smooth and combed, but by the time she wakes up in the morning it looks like an owl made a nest on her head. If you know anything about owls, you know they don't make neat nests. They grab a couple of things here and there, and throw it together. It takes forever to get it tamed, and it will stay that way for a total of 5 seconds.

Now for her behaviors. She finally has started walking. She's been crawling, climbing, and standing for a while, but has refused to walk. She's still a little unsure of herself, but is doing well. Below is Addie practicing her climbing skills. She has figured out that she is tiny, and can fit in compact spaces. So while I was cooking dinner, she emptied out all the drawers so she could squeeze herself in. She was sitting in there for the longest time and then stood so she could reach the top drawer.
One reason why Addie is such a mess is because of her Daddy. He treats her like a princess (and I really don't mind). It is so neat to see their relationship. She adores her Daddy, and he adores her. Steven dresses her up. Mostly in my accessories. Here he took my lovely scarf and made her the little fashionist that she is!

I never thought I would enjoy having a little girl as much as I do. For a long time, I thought I would be a mom to 3 boys. Whew...glad I got my girl because I could not imagine my life without her now.

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