Thursday, December 17, 2009

A New Goal

Steven and I have always been goal oriented people. At least once a year, we evaluate where we are in all aspects of our lives and discuss where we want to be in the future. However, there has been one area in my life that has lagged behind, or just been plain forgotten. And that area my friend, is mental toughness.

I didn't even realize I had a problem in this area until I was watching The Biggest Loser (love, love, love this show). I was sitting on the couch (probably eating cookies) watching these once obese, and still overweight individuals run a MARATHON! I mean, really? What kind of psycho chooses to run a marathon. Then it dawned on me. These contestants never saw themselves doing this either. This was a real challenge for them.

After the show was over, I started reflecting on the last time I really challenged myself beyond my physical limits. The answer to that was back in high school! I do work out regularly, but it's the typical workout. Nothing too much. So I began entertaining the idea of running a half-marathon. Now, I loathe running, but this is one area that would take major endurance and training on my part. I have purchased some new (and very flashy) running shoes, and recently started training. I'm up to 3 miles, but need to get to 13.1 miles by May. I'll keep you updated as the training continues.

There are two reasons why I posted this (I was planning on keeping this private until I accomplished my goal).

Reason #1-You now know what I'm going to do so it keeps me accountable.
Reason #2-I'm super curious what kind of goals you have for yourself. Tell me, tell me, tell me (which means you are required to LEAVE A COMMENT, you lovely blog lurkers :))


  1. I was so going to get on a roll of getting on the treadmill and then on day two the treadmill dies! Dang! So I did a leg work out instead, MAN am I sore!

  2. Jesse, that's dedication! If that had happened to me, I would have taken it as a sign from!

  3. Hey lady, your post couldn't have come at a better time! My husband and I recently decided that we needed to write out our goals for the month, year, and life in general. As we've been slowly getting reacquainted with our family, friends, and Tulsa, we are finally getting finances and such in order. Next, is our daunting list of goals! Seeing your post has re-motivated me to encourage us to follow through with it :) One of my big goals for now is working on my patience (or lack thereof), especially living with the in-laws...I feel this is a lesson/discipline God has been trying to get me to learn for years & I just haven't listened...well, I'm all ears now! Good luck to you! That is an awesome goal!
