Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Many Sides of Addie

For the most part, Addie is such a happy little girl. She likes music and LOVES to dance. She likes to play with Mason and gets all of the games he plays with her. By far, chase is her favorite. However, she can change her tune on a dime. Christmas morning was the perfect example...

Here she is so happy to play with her brand new baby doll and stroller.

Not even a second later, Mason got too close to her baby.
I wish I had this on video so you could hear her scream.

Both Daddy and Mommy got onto her for screaming at her brother.
The pout begins.
Even with her playing, screaming, and pouting I still love her to pieces. Below are two pictures that capture even more of her personality. She is really loving and will snuggle into you with such ease. Such a sweetheart...
On the other hand, she thinks she is just as big as Mason. Therefore, she wants to do everything he does. So of course, she had to try out Mase's new gun holster and pistol. If anybody got near it, in attempt to take it off she'd throw a fit.

Annie Oakley


  1. She is so dang cute! Love that hair! Where did you find that stroller? I have only seen the cheap fabric ones.

  2. Gotta admit this post makes me nervous!!!!!
