Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goal: Update

The area we live in was hit with a nasty blizzard. This has killed my training. Since I haven't been able to run outside, I had to hit the gym. Normally I only go to the gym for Zumba so the thought of going to get on treadmill was exasperating. I LOATHE the treadmill. It makes me feel like a hamster running a wheel. You don't go anywhere, and the scenery stays the same.
B-O-R-I-N-G!!! My attitude was horrible about starting, but I remembered the whole reason why I started this goal of running a half get my mental toughness back. I set that treadmill for an hour. I ran, and ran, and ran. It felt so good to get over the hump of doing more than my mind wanted to do. I'm definitely sore today, but I'm way ahead of where I wanted to be at this point in my training. Originally I wanted to be able to run for an hour by the end of January. Here it is not even January, and I've already accomplished my January goal. So here's the new goal...keep on, keeping on!

I sure hope you have set a goal for your life in some way. I loved reading a fellow blogger's post on her goals for the future. You can read about it here!
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! I am ready for this weather to clear up too! Thank you so much for the link love!

    Happy New Year!
