Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ladies, Watch Out!

Well, Mason is looking more and more like Steven which has me a little worried. Steven is a very handsome guy and I'm just not ready for the girls to be calling my house asking for Mason. At first I contemplated always answering the phone, and simply hanging up if it were a girl asking for Mason. That seemed a bit rude so I came up with Idea #2. I would just act a little nuts on the phone before turning it over to Mase. That would really scare them off. BUT, then Mason's was sporting this outfit around the house and I knew I had a solution to a future problem...just flash this picture around of him when he's older. That's sure to be a chick repellent!

Why in God's Green Earth did he choose to take his pants off, put on his flip-flops, and pose? I do not know, but I love him anyway!

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