Saturday, September 26, 2009

Yummy Lasagna

1 lb Italian sausage
1 16oz container of ricotta cheese
1 egg lightly beaten
9 ready-to-bake lasagna noodles
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1 cup mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1 can (26 oz) Spaghetti sauce

  • Cook Italian sausage of medium heat until no longer pink, drain.
  • Meanwhile, in a small bowl combine ricotta cheese, egg, parsley, and 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese. Mix well.
  • After sausage is drained, add Spaghetti sauce.
  • In a greased 13x9 baking dish, pour 1/4 cup of Spaghetti sauce/sausage. Layer with 3-4 lasagna noodles. Spread ricotta cheese mixture over each lasagna noodle until all are covered.
  • Add another layer of Spaghetti mixture, cover with mozzarella cheese, sprinkle with remaining Parmesan.
  • Continue layering as listed above until you exhaust your ingredients. Final layer will be Spaghetti sauce mixture topped with mozzarella.
Cover and bake @ 400 degrees for 45 minutes. Uncover, bake 15 minutes longer. Let stand for 15 minutes.
Sounds complicated, but it's really simple! Oh so tasty too. If you want to kick it up a bit, substitute the parsley for cilantro and use a spicy Spaghetti sauce. That's our favorite way to make it.
Happy Cooking!

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