Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Gone Fishin'

For the first part of Labor Day Weekend we went to my dad's house at the lake. We always have a relaxing time there and enjoy the outdoors. We got to eat some yummy food, and Mase went on his first fishing trip. He was so excited.

My Sweet Little Miss
She has on no clothes because we gave her a sippy cup to keep her occupied for the hour and a half trip. Good news, she had a blast with it. Bad news, she was SOAKED when we got there. Sippy cup for her equates to party time.
Mase Fishing...

Mase Sleeping...
Mason has never been one to sleep in the car like most kids, but put him on a boat and that's a totally different story. Knocks him out everytime.

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny to see him sleeping on the boat. My oldest used to fall asleep on the tractor. To cute!!
