Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fall Has Arrived!

We had a huge storm yesterday for the last day of summer. BUT, that huge storm brought in our first day of Fall. The temperatures were just perfect. Days like this make me so glad I get to spend time at home with these little cherubs (I say that now because they're all sleeping soundly). So in celebration, we had waffles for breakfast. For the babies, this is their first first day of Fall. Both Linc and Addie were still bakin' in the oven this time last year.

Addie, Mase, and Linc eating breakfast.

Mason Update

Mason's little personality is really developing, and is very true to form for an almost 3 year old. His emotions run wild throughout the day, but here's a little glimpse of his funny side. He was practicing making faces. The first one is his 'funny guy' face. The second is his 'tough guy' face.

Addison Update

Now for my Little Addie. She has never been a big eater until the day she started feeding herself. She is something else. Addie's absolute favorite would have to be pancakes/waffles and bananas. She would probably eat that everyday if we let her. She even makes little "mmmm" noises when she eats. Pretty cute!

It's still so funny to me that she is almost a year old. Time has gone by so fast. She is still so tiny, but continues to do big things. Anytime there is music on, she dances. She loves to dance! I absolutely cannot wait to take her to her very first dance class. Oh wait, yes I can! That would require her to grow up. So I can wait...

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are too lucky...waffles for breakfast. I told Corbett last night I'd make him pancakes for breakfast today. Well Rett was up all night and I slept too late. Corbett got a QuikTrip doughnut on the way to school instead (which he had to inhale so he wasn't late..he did miss the pledge). I can still hear his sad whines.

    I laughed out loud at those pictures of Addy with the marker. That's what big brothers are for.
