Monday, August 3, 2009

Some Good Clean Fun

This past weekend we had some friends over who recently had their second baby. Their first is Mason's age, so we were stoked that their second child was born within the same year of Addie. We want our kids to be close and enjoy their time together, and I have to say they did! They are both completely WILD together...dare devils, if you will. Their behavior is almost paralleled. A little freaky in fact. Here are the two monsters (oops, I mean cherubs) playing with the car.
So mentioning about that they are completely wild together you will totally love our lack of parenting here. For some strange reason, all the adults got into a deep conversation and didn't notice all the giggling behind us. Finally, I looked back to check on them and I found...
Toddlers + Potting Soil=Dirt in every crevice.
(Yes, G is putting it down her pants)

Mason, being so well trained in chivalry, is throwing dirt on G. We're so proud :)
Needless to say, to the backyard they went. Stripped them down and Steven and Jeff went to town on them with the water hose. Nothing like seeing two naked booties running around screaming. They had a blast and I don't think Mase has slept so soundly since...well, ever!

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny! Good to have family friends with the same age of children as yours! Thanks for the recipe in the post below I am going to make that this week!! It sounds so good and I am all about the good and easy recipes!
