Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mason Meets the Ice Cream Man

The ice cream man must have a pretty good market in our neighborhood because he's here at least 3 times a week. Up until now Mase thought it was the music man. Then he parked RIGHT in front of our house and all the neighborhood kids came sprinting down the street. We aren't heartless parents so we ran inside to get him a dollar. He was so cute standing there looking at all the pictures. In the end, Little Mase chose the classic 'Bomb Pop'. He LOVED it as you can see below...
His shirt just made it in the wash tonight. We'll see if those stains come out. I should totally buy stock in stain remover!


  1. that first picture looks just like steven! i never thought i would say that, but his facial expression is all daddy. you are a good mom....i have not been brave enough to try the ice cream man yet:)

  2. Even if the stains don't come out, that happy face is totally worth it! Ahhh the memories of running out to meet the ice cream truck. Glad Mason is creating those too.

  3. Our kids had their first visit with the ice cream man this summer too. So fun!
