Monday, August 24, 2009

"I HAVE TO GO PEE PEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Since Mason has been in his big boy bed (almost a year now) he has not once gotten up in the middle of the night and wandered to our room. Once we put him to bed, he stays in his room. You're probably thinking, "Wow! How did they train him to do that?" or maybe even, "Man, they have magical parent powers." All kidding aside, I don't know why he doesn't wander in the night like most kids. However, there is a BIG downside to this. Instead of leaving his bed, he'll yell what he needs. For example, last night it was 12:30am. I was on my second dream and snoozing so peacefully when I was abruptly awakened by loud yelling, "I HAVE TO GO PEE PEE." This is not unusual. At least once a week, basically when he refuses to go to the bathroom before bed, Mason will wake up having to go pee. So he just yells until someone comes to get him and takes him to the bathroom. He does this with stormy nights too. Most of the time he sleeps right through storms, but on occassion you wake up to "THUNDER...THUNDER!", and Steven or I will go in there and lay by him. He will NOT sleep in bed with us. We have tried this, and he just cries that he wants to go back to his room. So on one hand I'll count my blessings that our bed is 'our bed', but on the other hand it is completely startling to wake up to someone yelling in the middle of the night. Now for his sister on the other hand...


  1. That is too funny! Crazy how they can all be so different. My oldest still gets up and tries to get in bed with us (almost every night). Where as the twins never do it. Maybe it's because they share a room. Who knows.

  2. I sure wish we had the problem of Lincoln refusing to sleep with us. He refuses to sleep in his own big boy bed. Thanks for all the great recipes you have been posting. I always need good recipes that have already been tried out.
