Sunday, February 1, 2009

Urgent Care Visit

Addie had her first and hopefully last visit to the Urgent Care Center yesterday. She woke up with a 104.4 degree temp. She was absolutely fine the day before, no symptoms of anything, and was acting her usual playful self. It's amazing how fast an illness can hit a little one. Anyway, we spent a good 2 hours there and they ran a bunch of tests...RSV, flu, blood cell count, x-ray...the entire time she was so lethargic. I NEVER want to see her like that again. She wouldn't even smile at us. Once we got the results back they concluded that she could possibly have pnuemonia. They weren't sure because of a gland was obscuring the x-ray in her left lung, but the right lung was perfectly clear. So she's on an antibiotic right now. Her fever finally broke at midnight, and she was able to sleep until late morning. She's up and at it today...smiling, playing, cooing, being her usual self. No fever, no symptoms, nothing. We go to our regular pediatrician tomorrow to have her looked at again. Hopefully, it was just a short term virus and nothing more.


  1. The same thing happened with Carter and he had pneumonia as well. Carter is doing great now. I will be praying for her.

  2. I hope that she is feeling better. I hate those visits when they come to no good conclusion.
