Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Part II

I thought I'd get this post up before it's been a complete week since Thanksgiving. Seriously, I've been in a turkey induced coma from 4 Thanksgivings. On Friday, Steven and I loaded up the kids to head to my Dad's house and then to my grandparents. We had a great time at both places however, I did get a nice 'schooling' in the area of Mason and Sleeping. Mason has NEVER been a kid who sleeps in his car seat. In fact, until he was forward facing he would scream his head off anytime we went somewhere. He's a much, much better passenger now, but he still doesn't sleep. SO...I don't know why Steven and I thought it would be wise to skip his nap and let him sleep in the car. We figured he'd be so tired he'd knock out. NOPE! Not only did we do this on the way there, but the way back we did the same thing. I have one word for our decision...IDIOTIC! Anyway, he did great on the trip but boy was he a mess when we arrived at our destinations. In a few months we will head to Indiana and Steven said we should travel at night so the kids will sleep. I asked if he was crazy.

Addie with my Dad.

Mason monkey'ing around with his Cousin J.

My dad lives at the lake and right out the window is a really nice view. Mason decided to get in touch with his naturalistic side while we were there.

At my Grandparent's house they have this electric sweeper thing. Mason has such a love affair with this thing. He seriously runs it all over the house. Where can I get one????
Steven taking a siesta with his daughter.
(Notice his choice of reading before snoozing off...hee hee)
4 Generations with the blanket my grandma pieced together. It's tradition in our family that each newborn baby gets a blanket. The white squares are embroidered by all the women in the family. Addie's turned out beautiful!
My grandma still has the touch!


  1. Sounds like you all had a busy yet fun Thanksgiving! I think you need to get the sweeper thing... and I should get one for Brody I think they could really help us out around the house! :)

  2. I'm thinking flying may be in your travel future!!
