Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bye-Bye 20's...Hello 30's

It's true! The Torres boys are 30. We had a small shindig for them on Sunday (thrown together last minute) that turned out out to not be so small. Lindsay's family+my family+Torres family=40 peeps. Thank goodness I didn't offer up my tiny house to host the PARTAY!
Neither Steven or Rene wanted a true party because they said they were too old, so below you can see how excited they were to have their picture taken with their cakes. I laugh because neither one knew what face the other was making and this is what we got...I guess that's why they call them twins...
Here's the 'You'd better put on a happy face for your wife' picture.
Much better I might say!
In all seriousness, I have spent 11 years with the love of my life (that would be Steven, but I do love Rene too!) and I can honestly say that he has grown into a great, great man. The 30's should serve him well! Happy 30th Birthday!

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