Thursday, October 2, 2008

News, Surprise, and Just Plain Cute

We went to our 37 week appointment yesterday and I am only dialated to a 1...yep...that's it. On the positive side, we did set an induction date for October 15th. It's nice to know I have a definite "you will no longer be pregnant" date...LOVE IT! However, please pray that Little Addie doesn't come the 9th through the 12th. Dr. Nilson thinks going to the OU/Texas game with his family is way more important than me possibly delivering my child...PRIORITIES! j/k

After our appointment, Steven and I headed to my mom's for dinner and to get Mason (she always picks him up from Ms. Melinda's for us on appt. days). Once we got there she told me that she was taking us out to eat at Los Cabos. I really didn't want to go. I was tired, it was pj day at school, and I looked like dookie. But, being the trooper that I am (insert sarcasm here), I went. Once we got there I got a huge surprise in seeing a lot of my friends. My sister-in-law had thrown me a surprise shower! She is the absolute best. Here she is 9 months preggo herself, and she throws a shower for me. I just LOVE her!!!

Now, these pictures have nothing to do with my appointment or the shower (You probably won't see any pics posted on here from the shower. I'm not lying...I looked HORRIBLE!). However, I just got these pics today from our babysitter. I absolutely adore her. It's so wonderful to have someone love your child and your child love them back. It makes working so much easier.

Mason and Logan enjoying their day in the wagon that is NOT moving. The hat on his head is not even his, but he loves to wear it. Thank goodness Logan shares. What a great buddy!

Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo at work.


  1. How exciting, little Addison will be here very soon! I'll be praying for her safe arrival.

  2. Can't wait to see some pics of Addison! It won't be long now!!!
