Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July

My brother recently moved to a suburb of Kansas City, so for the Fourth we made the trek to go and visit. My mom, her husband, Steven, Mason and I all piled in a two door Explorer and took the 5 hour drive. My rear is did not enjoy the trip, but I absolutely refused to pay big oil companies the price for gas on two separate cars...

Once we got there, we had a blast! Mason really enjoyed playing with his cousins and Steven and I enjoyed being with family. Brandon, my brother, lives very close to a lake and we took his boat out. I was a little bummed I didn't get to ski or wakeboard, but c'est la vie. Pregnancy has it's limits and there's always next summer to show my bro up on the wakeboard! I did, however, get to take a leisurely stroll on the tube with Mason. He loved it, and kept waving to everyone on the boat. Steven also got on the tube with my brother and Micheal, my mom's husband, but his journey was not so relaxing. He was flying! I have not laughed that hard in a long time.

Mason, Jasmine, and I on the tube.
Steven trying to stay afloat with the kids hanging on.
Mason relaxing with his Grammy.
Steven and Brandon before the torture began...
Mason being entertained by his cousins. He was so excited to eat at the kids table for the first time in his short little life.
A quick pic before we take off.
My beautiful niece Jasmine.

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