Friday, June 6, 2008

Words Mason has Learned this Week

I've always believed that Mason is an observer. He will watch you like a hawk. He's also a little late bloomer as far as crawling, walking, and speaking real words. However, once he starts he's got it mastered. So I've come to the conclusion that Mason is just like Steven and me. Neither one of us wants to do anything unless we know we will master it within a short amount of time. So that brings us to all the new words he has spoken this week. He's always been a jabberer and will use inflection like you wouldn't believe, but he's just now using real words to communicate. Here are the one's he's razzled and dazzled us with...

1. Eyes
2. Uh-oh
3. Pee pee
4. Oh no
5. What's this/that?
6. All done
7. Night night

I'm sure most kids his age have been saying these for a while, but I'm convinced Mason didn't want to say them until he was sure he was going to get it perfect, and by golly he has!


  1. Great vocab! He's on his way to speaking in sentences. :)

  2. He is getting so big!! Wow!! He will be talking your ear off before you know it!! Summer must be so fun!! I hope you are feeling good!!
