Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Two Unrelated Topics

Number 1:
I have finally reached the halfway mark with Addie. Yes, I am 20 weeks and have already gained...well, too much weight. I think I'm on the +40 plan like I did with Mason. It couldn't be those chocolate chip cookies before bed, right? That just means I'm going to have to run, run, run after she's born...YUCK! Anyway, so far the pregnancy has been great and flying by. I'm sure Addison will be here before we know it.

Number 2:
I have not truly fixed my hair since school's been out. Poor Steven had to look at my hair in a pony tail for two straight weeks. I'm sure he was wondering where the wife he married went. So needless to say, it was time to chop off the hair. I really love it because it's easy to manage. Please take into account that this pic was taken at the end of a hectic day complete with a two year old, Mason, hour and half phone conversation with health insurance, and a mishap with charcoal. Sounds interesting, right? No need to get into that or my blood pressure will start rising again.

Tomorrow should be much more relaxing. Mason, Kate, and I are headed to the pool. I'll try to remember my camera...


  1. You look great!!! I love the name Addison/Addie! That was my #1 name choice if we would've had a girl. Very cute!!

  2. I'm not sure how i have just now stumbled across your blog- you look so great! congrats on the upcoming baby and fun for you, it's a girl!
