Monday, June 23, 2008

Leaving Mason for the First Time

Mason is almost 20 months old and I have never spent a night away from him. Steven has gone out of town here and there for work and family things, but I either go with him with Mason in tow or stay home. So for our first getaway, we both wanted somewhere within driving distance from my mom's in case he was having a come apart (which he never did...apparently, he was a party animal). Anyway, we decided on Branson because it had some great outlets and I wanted to get Addison some girly things. To our surprise there weren't that many gray-hairs there. I had in my head that Branson was filled with retirees, but I was so wrong. There was plenty for us to do and we absolutely loved the resort we stayed at. It was very relaxing and fun to just spend time with each other without interruption. We even played a little miniature golf. You can tell by the pictures who won...

Ha, ha...Steven lost by 6 strokes despite all the smack he was talking the first 6 holes.

Me with my winning scorecard, and I'm 7 months preggo!
Steven even relaxed at the pool with me. Normally he's too ansy, but come to find out if you give him a magazine and an iPod he'll sit forever. Don't worry, I'll spare you the swimsuit pic of me!
Me with Addison at 7 months
Steven was such a trooper. He shopped all day with me. I secretly think he enjoyed buying all the little girl items.


  1. You are such a cute preggo chic!! Hope you are enjoying your the hair!!

  2. Ditto on you being such a cute pregnant chic!

    Glad you and Steven were able to have a little get-away before Baby Addison makes her arrival. How was it being away from Mason? I would love to take a short little trip with my hubby, but have no idea when I'm going to feel comfortable leaving Paxton overnight. It'll probably be a looonnnggg time. Ha! :)

  3. Also, I love the necklace you are wearing in these pics!! So cute!!
