Friday, March 21, 2008

Zoo Time

Today was officially the last day of Spring Break for me, and Steven was off for Good Friday. We decided to enjoy the beautiful weather as a family today and head to the zoo. Well, I think half of Tulsa County had the same idea today as well. It was CROWDED! Anyway, we had a great time. However, we did not see many of the animals. Little man was not so interested in the animals as he was playing in the dirt piles. Towards the end when he got a little sleepy, he started to look and point. It was very cute. So even though the day didn't go as planned (a leisurely day checking out wild animals), we did spend the day as a family and that's all that matters. You can always gage how much Mase enjoyed his day based on how tired he is at the end. He was exhausted, so I guess he had a blast. He fell asleep as soon as we headed out of Mohawk Park.

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