Sunday, March 30, 2008

First Boo-Boo and Bathtime

Mason has had lots of falls, but no ouchies...until today. Steven and Mason spent most of the day outside cleaning cars, sweeping the garage, and of course, PLAYING. Mason took quite a tumble on the knees. He didn't even cry. He got right back up and was on his merry way. To be honest, I'm surprised that this is his worst boo-boo so far. He's a pretty active little guy.

After spending most of the day playing in the dirt and mud, it was definitely time for a bath. Mason is for sure all boy. His outside time consist of the following: looking for ways to escape from you, finding the biggest, muddiest dirt pile to play in, running and chasing balls, playing with Roxy, and stabbing any crevices he can find in the concrete with a stick. He sure does have fun.

Hope you had a great time with your family this weekend!


  1. I think you have had a successful day if he comes in smelling like a puppy!! LOL I love it when my boys play that hard- It makes sleeping soooo much better!!

  2. AMANDA TORRES!!!!! How the heck are you?!?! This is Erin, as in the former Erin Kuykendall. I found your blog through Sarah's. I am ecstatic that you have a blog and am looking forward to staying updated on your life.

    Mason is absolutely precious!!!! It seems like not long ago I was hearing you were pregnant with him. Where have the past couple of years gone?!?!

    Congrats on the new baby!!! I am so happy for you and Steven, and I wish you a very healthy pregnancy!

    Speaking of babies, Jon and I welcomed our precious son Paxton Cole into the world on March 5. We are loving every minute of being parents, and we already forgot what life was like pre-baby.

    I'm so glad that I now have a way to stay in touch with you. Seriously, I think about you a lot and have wondered how you are doing. :)
