Thursday, February 7, 2008

Full Head and Big Teeth

When Mason turned one he had three teeth...two on bottom and one on top. He now has eight...three of which showed up within a weeks time. I think the reason it took so long to get them in was their abnormally LARGE size. When he smiles, you can't help but smile back. Our dentist friend has assured us that the 'black hole' between the front teeth is a good sign he'll have enough room for the rest (good thing, given the size of all the others). Given that piece of info, we just crack up when we look at him smiling.

Even though Mason was such a late teether, he made up for it in other areas. For instance, what he lacked in teeth, he made up for in hair. The kid has had 4 hair cuts and is in need of another. It's starting to get so thick that we have to blow dry it before he goes to bed. Otherwise, he soaks his sheets. We call this pic his 'wind blown' look.


  1. He is soo beyond adorable!! My 6 yr old had a ton of hair too!! It is insane how fast it grows!! He is awesome!

  2. He is so stinkin' cute!!! Preslee is the same, behind on teething...NO SIGN of teeth yet...but PLENTY of hair!!
