Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Mason has been sick on and off for about 3 weeks. First he had some funky virus on his tonsils. Then he got some nasty, nasty diarrhea. Every once in a while Steven and I think we still smell it. Like it's embedded in our nostrils or something. Anyway...as soon as he recovered from 'the runs', he starts running a fever and gets a smoker's cough. Which, by the way, he doesn't smoke. All that to say, I finally took him into the dr. today (yes, I've been in contact with him, but he didn't want to see him until today). It was AWFUL!!! I'm not sure how many of you have had your one year old's chest x-rayed, but let me tell you, the process was nothing short of barbaric torture. He had to sit in this chair where two half cylinders were put securely around his mid section while I was to hold his arms directly over his body. His poor little face just looked at me with tears streaming down. I'm sure he was scared and probably wondering why on Earth would I subject him to such displeasure. Come to find out he does not have fluid in his lungs...PRAISE GOD!

But, the torture was not over yet. The doctor wanted him tested for the flu and/or RSV. By this time, I'm ready to cry. My little baby has been through enough already, and now I see the nurse with this L-O-N-G probe that is for extracting the snot. As I'm looking at the 'snot extractor', I'm wondering why is it so long. For heaven's sake, there are boogers running down his face. Just scoop some of those up and let's call it a day. BUT NO! The nurse pushes the probe so far up his nose, I think she's taking a sample of his brain cells...

Anyway, that was our day at the doctor. Mason does have a strand of the flu, but it's not the bad kind (whatever that means). On a good note, he's doing much better, and as long as he's fever free for 48 hours he's allowed to be around other little ones. So keep little Mase in your prayers. We want our healthy baby boy back.

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