Thursday, January 3, 2008

Bears Game

After waiting 29 years, Rene and Steven finally attended a Bears game. Here are some pics of their adventure...
Time to Pack
Daddy, take me with you!
(of course I would find a way to sneak in a pic of Mase)

Steven grew a beard so his face wouldn't get cold in Chi-Town. He shaved it as soon as he got home...THANK GOODNESS!!!!

" The Seats"

Only S & R would think to take a picture of where their butts were hanging out for 4 hours. I guess they felt personally attached to the inanimate objects.

Their favorite player, Brian Urlacher. Steven swears he was stretching, but I'm not so sure...looks like something else.

Rene and Steven trying to act cool even though they are SO excited to be at Soldier Field.

Steven waiting for the game to start. They got there way early so they could watch the teams warm up. The gross part of them sitting so close to the field was they could smell the players. Any normal person would think this was disgusting, but apparently this was the most exciting part of the game...the SMELL. Steven said it made the experience seem more realistic.
Gotta love him!


  1. That is hilarious!! I seriously remember them talking about this in elementary school!! Your a good wife to do that for him!! Props to you!

  2. I found a link to your blog on Heather's....looks like Mason got a haircut since last time I saw him. He is so handsome. I'd love to see you all again - maybe we could do an outdoor session this summer. My family blog is private, shoot me an email if you want access...
    Ashley (photographer one)
