Thursday, December 31, 2009
Goal: Update
B-O-R-I-N-G!!! My attitude was horrible about starting, but I remembered the whole reason why I started this goal of running a half get my mental toughness back. I set that treadmill for an hour. I ran, and ran, and ran. It felt so good to get over the hump of doing more than my mind wanted to do. I'm definitely sore today, but I'm way ahead of where I wanted to be at this point in my training. Originally I wanted to be able to run for an hour by the end of January. Here it is not even January, and I've already accomplished my January goal. So here's the new goal...keep on, keeping on!
I sure hope you have set a goal for your life in some way. I loved reading a fellow blogger's post on her goals for the future. You can read about it here!
Happy New Year!
Not Too Many Sides of Mason
The Many Sides of Addie
Even with her playing, screaming, and pouting I still love her to pieces. Below are two pictures that capture even more of her personality. She is really loving and will snuggle into you with such ease. Such a sweetheart...
Annie Oakley
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Homemade Crescents
Aunt Pam's Homemade Crescents
1 pkg yeast
1 cup very warm water
1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs, beaten well
2/3 cup butter or margarine, melted
1 tsp salt
4 1/2 cups flour
- Dissolve yeast in 1 cup of very warm water
- Add sugar and all other ingredients at once
- Mix well
- Place in a greased bowl overnight in the refrigerator
- Separate dough into 3 sections
- Roll out on a floured board 1/4 inch thick. Cut 6-8 pizza slices
- Roll large end to small end and curve into the shape of a crescent
- Place on greased baking sheet. (Each crescent can touch)
- Let rise for hours
- Bake @ 400 degrees fro 8-10 minutes
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A New Goal
I didn't even realize I had a problem in this area until I was watching The Biggest Loser (love, love, love this show). I was sitting on the couch (probably eating cookies) watching these once obese, and still overweight individuals run a MARATHON! I mean, really? What kind of psycho chooses to run a marathon. Then it dawned on me. These contestants never saw themselves doing this either. This was a real challenge for them.
After the show was over, I started reflecting on the last time I really challenged myself beyond my physical limits. The answer to that was back in high school! I do work out regularly, but it's the typical workout. Nothing too much. So I began entertaining the idea of running a half-marathon. Now, I loathe running, but this is one area that would take major endurance and training on my part. I have purchased some new (and very flashy) running shoes, and recently started training. I'm up to 3 miles, but need to get to 13.1 miles by May. I'll keep you updated as the training continues.
There are two reasons why I posted this (I was planning on keeping this private until I accomplished my goal).
Reason #1-You now know what I'm going to do so it keeps me accountable.
Reason #2-I'm super curious what kind of goals you have for yourself. Tell me, tell me, tell me (which means you are required to LEAVE A COMMENT, you lovely blog lurkers :))
Monday, December 14, 2009
Peanut Butter Clusters
Peanut Butter Clusters*
2 cups peanut butter chips
1 cup milk chocolate chips
1-1/2 cups dry roasted peanuts
1 cup crushed ridged potato chips
- In a microwave safe bowl, melt peanut butter cips and chocolate chips. Stir until smooth.
- Add peanuts and chips. Stir until coated.
- Drop level tablespoonsfuls onto waxed paper lined baking sheets.
- Refrigerate until firm.
- Store in air tight container.
Monday, December 7, 2009
A Total Mess
Now for her behaviors. She finally has started walking. She's been crawling, climbing, and standing for a while, but has refused to walk. She's still a little unsure of herself, but is doing well. Below is Addie practicing her climbing skills. She has figured out that she is tiny, and can fit in compact spaces. So while I was cooking dinner, she emptied out all the drawers so she could squeeze herself in. She was sitting in there for the longest time and then stood so she could reach the top drawer.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole
Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole
1 cup cooked rice
2 cup cubed Velveeta cheese
1 can cream of mushroom soup
3 cups cooked shredded chicken
16 oz frozen broccoli, thawed
1/2 medium onion diced
1/4 cup milk
1 cup fried onions
- Add Velveeta, soup, and milk to rice until cheese is melted.
- Add remaining ingredients to rice mixture.
- Pour into a greased 9 x 13 baking dish.
- Bake @ 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Ladies, Watch Out!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Bacon Chicken Roll Ups
Bacon Chicken Roll Ups
12 pieces of cooked, but not crispy bacon
6 boneless, skinless chicken breast
8 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup diced sweet onion
1/4 cup chopped pepperoni
salt and pepper to taste
- Mix together the cream cheese, sweet onion, and pepperoni in a small bowl.
- Flatten chicken to about 1/8 inch thickness.
- Spoon in about 2 Tbsp of mixture into the center of the chicken.
- Roll up chicken and secure with a toothpick.
- Wrap two pieces of bacon around each chicken breast.
- Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Making Crackers from Egg Roll Wrappers
Leaf Crackers
1 package of egg roll wrappers (found in the produce section)
assorted cookie cutters (I used leaves)
1/4 cup olive oil
1 Tbsp salt
3 Tbsp Italian seasoning
- Using the cookie cutter press out desired shapes into egg roll wrappers.
- Place on cookie sheets, and brush each one with olive oil.
- Sprinkle on salt and seasoning.
- Bake @ 350 degrees for about 5 minutes. Keep a close eye on them because they will burn fast!
Little Man Turns THREE!
Even though my heart hurt seeing my little man turn three, I was also very excited. This is the first year he has really understood the concept of birthdays and parties. We started his birthday off right with some # 3 pancakes (the 3 is backwards in the pic. it was early. i was tired). He was so excited to blow out candles. Truth be told, he had candles with every meal. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. I have pictures of all of those, but I'll spare you!
Here are some of the pics from his party...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Halloween & Fall Festival
After the party we rushed home for naps and got everything ready for trick-or-treating. Our good friends and old neighbors came by for dinner. The kids all looked so cute in their costumes and had a blast together. Here's some pics from the evening in no particular order...
Fall Festival at Camp Dry Gulch USA
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A Great Toy
Yesterday I was working on a couple loads and pulled out the kids' laundry basket. When I walked to my room to start sorting I heard little guys in the hallway. They were sorting too. Except not in any way that was helping me. They were sorting in and out.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Meat Loaf Miniatures for Now and Later!
- Willie Nelson
- El Caminos
- Meat Loaf
If you are like my friend Shari, you'd better skip this recipe. However, if you are a meat loaf lovin' fool, this one is for you! Personally, I have never been a meat loaf fan until I came across this one, and tweeked it a little. It is now one my brother-in-law asks about frequently.
Meat Loaf Miniatures
- 1 cup ketchup
- 3 to 4 Tbsps packed brown sugar
- 1 tsp ground mustard
- 2 eggs beaten
- 4 tsp Worchestershire sauce
- 3 cups saltines crushed
- 3 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp seasoning salt
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 3 lbs lean ground beef
Put a cookie cooling rack on top of a lipped baking sheet (this allows the grease to drain off the meat while cooking), or use a muffing pan. Begin to make inch thick hamburger patties. Set on cooling rack. Bake @ 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Drizzle with reserved ketchup mixture; bake 5-10 minutes longer. Serve what you like, and allow other meat loaves to cool; freeze. Transfer to freezer bags. Will store for up to 3 months.
Using frozen meat loaves: Completely thaw in the refrigerator. Bake @ 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Party Time!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Good Girl Gone Glad
- Recognize who sent the award and add a link to their page (check out Jesse's if you like to look at all things beautiful while listening to soothing and calming music)
- Tell 10 things about yourself.
- Award 7 new fellow bloggers.
- Seems like there was something else, but I already forgot and I don't want to toggle between two screens.
So here goes nothing...
All Things Amanda
- This is my first year to be a stay at home mom. I find it much easier than being a working mom.
- I was a fourth grade teacher for 7 years, and never saw myself doing anything but that until the day I retire.
- My passion in life is God, my family, and my church.
- I have entered the world of couponing and I am addicted. I have always been a pretty frugal shopper, but this has really sent me over the edge!
- I love to cook, and enjoy meal planning for my family.
- I would really like to someday to start a business of cooking for other families. Kind of like having homecooked meals, take-out style. Weird, I know.
- I find it much easier to deal with children than to deal with adults. They don't play mind games often, and when they do it's pretty easy to figure them out.
- I depise clutter.
- My husband is an identical twin so I sometimes feel like I have 2 husbands.
- My dream home would be one of those houses out by Woodward Park...1950's style with a total remodel on the inside. But until God decides to dump a couple million dollars on my lap, it will remain a dream home.
Blogs I would like to award are...
- Perryman Adoption
- Growing with the Gambills
- What's New with the Kueny's
I know it's supposed to be 7 people, but I'm tired and going to bed!
Addison Elisabeth is ONE!
Her first year has brought so many memories and blessed me beyond measure. I never new what a special bond you could have with a daughter so early on. I'm told she is a mini-me, and I guess that's all right as long as she makes some better choices during her teenage years!
So for Addie's one year here are some things about her...
- She gets into everything, and if she can't reach it she'll climb to get it.
- She isn't walking yet, but sure has the crawling down...and the climbing!
- She thinks she is just as big as her brother and will do anything he does.
- She's a cuddler. Major cuddler. After her naps, she likes to lay down with you for about 10 minutes before she's off to play.
- She loves taking things out of boxes or purses only to put them right back in.
- She likes to clean (Lord, please let this continue!). If you give her a rag she'll start wiping stuff down.
- Her favorite word is "no", and let me tell you it is VERY clear.
- She has her Daddy wrapped around her little finger.
- She has her Mommy wrapped around her little finger.
- She is LOVED by so many.
Happy Birthday Little Mama!
We LOVE you!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Spinach Pizza
1/2 cup Alfredo sauce
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
4 cups chopped spinach
2 chicken breast, cooked and cubed
1 cup mozzarella cheese
4 strips bacon, cooked and crumbled
- Roll out refrigerated pizza dough onto a 13 x 9 greased baking sheet. Spread Alfredo sauce onto dough.
- Sprinkle on spinach, chicken, bacon, and tomatoes evenly.
- Top with mozzarella cheese.
- Bake @ 450 degrees for 10-15 minutes, or until crust in golden brown.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Top 5
Top 5 Mason Funnies for the week...
5. Addison says, "No". Mase responds, "You don't say no to me Addison!"
4. "Shhhhh! I'm trying to watch tv guys. You too loud!"
3. In reference to the lady in front of us in line, "That lady has stinky booty."
2. "I want to go outside and ride my cooter." (That would be his Scooter)
1. "Mama, turn it. This is a stinky song."
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Yummy Lasagna
1 16oz container of ricotta cheese
1 egg lightly beaten
9 ready-to-bake lasagna noodles
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1 cup mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1 can (26 oz) Spaghetti sauce
- Cook Italian sausage of medium heat until no longer pink, drain.
- Meanwhile, in a small bowl combine ricotta cheese, egg, parsley, and 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese. Mix well.
- After sausage is drained, add Spaghetti sauce.
- In a greased 13x9 baking dish, pour 1/4 cup of Spaghetti sauce/sausage. Layer with 3-4 lasagna noodles. Spread ricotta cheese mixture over each lasagna noodle until all are covered.
- Add another layer of Spaghetti mixture, cover with mozzarella cheese, sprinkle with remaining Parmesan.
- Continue layering as listed above until you exhaust your ingredients. Final layer will be Spaghetti sauce mixture topped with mozzarella.
Sounds complicated, but it's really simple! Oh so tasty too. If you want to kick it up a bit, substitute the parsley for cilantro and use a spicy Spaghetti sauce. That's our favorite way to make it.
Happy Cooking!
Pumpkin Heads

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fall Has Arrived!
Addie, Mase, and Linc eating breakfast.
Mason Update
Mason's little personality is really developing, and is very true to form for an almost 3 year old. His emotions run wild throughout the day, but here's a little glimpse of his funny side. He was practicing making faces. The first one is his 'funny guy' face. The second is his 'tough guy' face.
Addison Update
Now for my Little Addie. She has never been a big eater until the day she started feeding herself. She is something else. Addie's absolute favorite would have to be pancakes/waffles and bananas. She would probably eat that everyday if we let her. She even makes little "mmmm" noises when she eats. Pretty cute!
It's still so funny to me that she is almost a year old. Time has gone by so fast. She is still so tiny, but continues to do big things. Anytime there is music on, she dances. She loves to dance! I absolutely cannot wait to take her to her very first dance class. Oh wait, yes I can! That would require her to grow up. So I can wait...